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Exploring ECE Grad School Workshop – FAQs

Will there be any assignments or requirements before the workshop?

Prior to attending the workshop, we will provide participants a series of brief videos reviewing application materials that we ask be viewed prior to participating. Along with this, participants will be asked to provide a CV or resume and graduate application materials (optional). All submitted materials will be considered in draft form to be discussed further at the workshop.

What if I cannot attend all three days of the workshop? Can I still participate?

We have intentionally created the workshop over multiple days to offer participants flexibility with their schedule. Participants are expected to attend one of the available options for each activity and all components that are offered once. Please refer to our schedule for further details.

What type of individual feedback can I expect regarding my materials and/or preparing for graduate school?

We will be leading a series of topics during the workshop, and participants will be asked to provide short answers to a few questions, provide a CV or resume, and graduate application materials (optional). All submitted materials will be considered in draft form to be discussed further at the workshop.

Who is eligible for the workshop?

This workshop is intended for domestic applicants (US Citizens, Permanent Residents, and DACA applicants). Although international applicants can be considered on a case-by-case basis, due to our program’s grant requirements, only in extremely rare cases could an exception be made.

Is there a recommended dress code for the workshop?

We recommend business casual.

Please contact [email protected] with additional questions you have at this time.